Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Moody Man is no longer :(

Chesney brought a moody man for her presentation at school this past Monday. A moody man is a little head that you can squeeze and parts of it will pop out between your fingers. Maggie loved this toy.  Maggie was playing with it in her class. Leslie, who helps keep their class, came in and got me from Claire's class. She had Maggie in her arms facing the other direction. I assumed she had a dirty diaper and it was time for a change but that was not the case. She told me to look at Maggie's face and as she turned her around I looked at my child and it looked as if she had put her face in a pan of elmer's glue. She had this creamy white liquid in her eyes and every nook and cranny on her face. You would think this child would be screaming but she wasn't. She was laughing. I grabbed her up and took her into the bathroom to wash her face off. I was getting no where so I called for Brook to come in there. Brook and I laughed because well, things like this just happen to people like us.  It was really fun and interesting cleaning this substance off of her face because what seemed to be liquid suddenly turned to powder. Maggie must have put the moody man in her mouth and bit into it. It exploded! We got her all cleaned up and scrubbed the floor and we were on our way home. We  called poison control and all was well. Claire asked Maggie a million questions on the way home. My curious little Claire-bear... Maggie finally looked over at her and said, "Claire, it just expwoded and got it my eye". Claire said, "oh, ok". That was the end of the discussion. I laughed the whole way home and praised God for several things. 1. My little girl did not ingest any of this and that this did not truly hurt her.  2. I got to laugh at my child as she was covered in "inert polymer".  3. I got to laugh with a dear friend who helped me clean my baby off and we needed it. It's the small things in life that God can use to soften us isn't it. Thank you God that you gave me a Maggie Rie and a Claire-bear. Your timing is perfect and your blessings are truly amazing! To our sweet Chesney, we are sorry that your moody man "expwoded".  We love you!


  1. Too funny...and I had no idea those things had a name :)

  2. This is an awesome post and description of a funny moment! Im so thankful we get to have such times together :D
