Monday, January 4, 2010

All I want for Christmas is a Hello Kitty bike!

Claire had been telling us for weeks that she wanted three things for Christmas. She wanted a cake baking set, a dress up dress (here is a surprise), and a Hello Kitty bike. Every time we were at Walmart she would walk us over to the bikes and show us which one she wanted. She got that Hello Kitty bike and of course we had to get one that was in a box and not already put together. So like every other parent we stayed up Christmas Eve and put it together. She was so excited when she saw it Christmas morning. We went to storage and got the little tricycle for Maggie that Aunt Lee had bought Claire at her age. They would both have their riding toys! We tried to take the girls riding outside but it has been so cold so they have done some riding in the house. I know, I know, bad idea right :). The other night Claire decided she did not want to ride her brand new Hello Kitty bike but she wanted to ride the tricycle. Maggie, of course, wanted to ride it too. A few slappings in the face and pulling of the hair and it looks like we have come to an agreement... and the poor Hello Kitty bike sits alone... and yes she did get those other two things she asked for!